Saturday, March 10, 2012

Fukashima Ghost Town

You have to read this article and watch the video.  We modern folk are quick to forget the past, even the recent past.  How much have you heard about the Japanese quake, tsunami and nuclear disaster lately?  No much.  The town near the Fukashima nuclear plant, twelve square miles and 10,000 residents are permanently evacuated.  There's a fence and 24/7 military guard around the town.  No one goes in without military escort.  The town is stuck at the day it was evacuated.  They didn't get to gather their belongings (though later people were allowed to return and claim certain items under strict supervision, though it seems there was some looting too, which I have a problem with.  I have a problem with looting yes, but it was observed by many, even myself, that after the quake, tsunami and nuclear disaster the Japanese did not go crazy and loot.  They didn't get violent like Africans and Europeans and maybe most of all Americans, because they are an orderly society.  They just dealt with it, together.  Well, it seems that's not entirely true.  Watch the video.  And besides, the Japanese dude in it has a vicious neck beard.) they just had to leave.  It speaks to stories like I am Legend, 28 Days Later, or Kurt Vonnegut's Deadeye Dick (minus the zombies and neutron bombs and such) of cities with everything but people to occupy them.  Watch the video for just a glimpse.  It's weird.  It's crazy and it needs to be written about, read about and remembered.  Rabble-B

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