Monday, February 21, 2011

Bieber, Bieber, Bieber!

So I guess Justin Bieber cut off his sweet signature hairdo.  Bad move pal.  Let me predict your future.  All your tween fans don't like your new look and turn their backs on you, in fact most cry.  One small town in Iowa even floods from the river of tears.  Your career takes a nose dive like a B-17 that received too much flak on a bombing run over Germany, flames and all.  You turn to coke and hookers, lots of it and lose your house and cars and whatever art you've collected to pay for it.  You go to rehab 7 times and check yourself out after 3 days each time.  You live in a cardboard box under the freeway and can't even afford a cheap hooker with three teeth.  I'm not going to lie, it's not a pretty picture. 

And what's even  worse, you've obsoleted one of the best websites around Lesbians Who Look Like Justin Bieber so thanks for that.  I don't wish you any ill will my friend, just beware, you could end up like George Michael smoking crack and jerking off in front of a police officer in a public bathroom.  Oh, wait, that was two separate incidents.  Sorry.  Rabble-B

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