Saturday, July 30, 2011

For Seriously

So I just read a story about a dude that found $16,000 in an after hours bank deposit box.  He took the money and turned it in the next morning.  The story read something about a "Good Samaritan" returning money, blah, blah, blah.  Why does that have to be a Good Samaritan act?  Why can't that just be normal and honest?  What the shit?!  Someone in this society does something unselfish and morally right and we congratulate them like they just won a gold medal in the Special Olympics. 

For fuck's sake, why can't that just be par for the course?  Because we are a bunch of selfish assholes and need to get over ourselves and just be nice and do what's right and good in stead of what immediately benefits us.  Maybe then we wouldn't be staring in the face of another financial meltdown and government shutdown.  Ha, what am I talking about?  That's so silly.  Gee whiz.  Rabble-B

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