Monday, October 1, 2012

Thanks for Dinner

Now that I'm married and actually have time to do things other than watch my wife plan our wedding, I have a shitload more time to rabble.  And after experiencing three earthquakes, the edges of hurricane Merriam, the wrath of tropical storm Norman, the resulting flash floods and riding in our rental car while being towed through the flooded road back into La Ribera, Mexico (see accompaying photos), all on our honeymoon, I feel like anything goes.

So what's with family and friends going to a wedding, eating and drinking on someone else's dime and not giving a gift?  Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with people?!  I get it, if you're broke, or just don't make a whole lot of money, I don't.  Maybe you traveled a ways for a wedding and it cost you a bit, the couple certainly appreciates it.  But for reals, how about a card?  Maybe a card that says, "Hey congratulations, so happy for the two of you!"  That's all that's really needed.  Who cares about blenders or decorative bowls or money, honestly, a fucking card with real handwriting is awesome!  It shows you appreciate being at said wedding and you actually care about the couple getting married and you're happy for them.  If that's too much to ask then maybe you need to take a look in the mirror and ask yourself a few questions about your honesty and integrity.  There were probably a couple dozen folks who would've loved to attend, people the couple would've loved to invite but couldn't afford to or couldn't because of venue size limitations.  The couple chose to invite you instead of these folks because they value your friendship or family relationship and if they didn't want you there they wouldn't have invited you! 

So don't be a douche, show a little class next time you attend a wedding and buy a card, write your name under the cheesy greeting.  Maybe put a check in it if you feel so inclined.  Maybe buy a toaster, anything! that shows you appreciate the invite and are happy for the couple on the most important day of their lives.  And on top of all this maybe think about all the other wonderful, selfless people who gave the couple more money/gifts than was really affordable but it doesn't matter because they're truly happy to be included in such an amazing event, think about those peoples' efforts compared to your own.  Or, if that's too much, just decline the invite, no harm, no foul. Rabble-B

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