Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Cellphones are not lighters!

Ok, look drunk, 40-something, Microsoft-ie, Lexus driving, suburban, wannabe hippie (I still don't condone being a hippie but a wannabe hippie is just pathetic) who paid $350 for a pair of Journey tickets at the outdoor amphitheatre on the local Indian reservation, don't be an idiot.  Holding a lighter up at a show is stupid enough but you can't just apply modern technology to a 60's convention and think you're clever.  When they blast into "Open Arms" your cellphone is not the same as a fucking lighter!  You can't just turn on your phone during a ballad and sway back and forth and time travel to Haight Ashbury in 1969.  What you can do is look like a dipshit.  Maybe you should start smoking so you'll actually have a lighter in your pocket for just such an occasion.  And if you're are one of those idiots that got the picture of a lighter app. for your iPhone and are waving it around at the Journey show, then you really look stupid.  I hope you drop it and the screen shatters.  Rabble-B

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