Thursday, September 23, 2010

Dumber and Dumberer

No, not the third installment of Dumb and Dumber, which happens to be one of my favorite movies of which I've never seen in it's entirety.  I always used to catch it around 4pm on a weekday during summer vacation and pick it up about 2/3 the way through.

No, what I am referring to is really more of a question.  Does anyone else out there constantly run into people who by conversing with them make you feel dumber?  Seriously, I meet people everyday and have conversations and they are so dumb and clueless just talking to them sucks my will to live.  These conversations are the mental equivalent of failing to qualify for the Special Olympics.  I mean what the fuck?!  How do these people make it through life as a complete moron?  The most telling symptom of this tragic, nameless disorder is when someone asks you a question, you provide an answer and then they ask THE SAME FUCKING QUESTION twice more during the conversation.  You might say, "Oh, well, obviously they're just not paying attention."  I say, "No!  They are actually dumberer (if that could actually be a word.  I think I will petition Websters and Wikipedia and Encyclopedia Britainica to put in a definition for 2011)."  They have no physical deficiencies, except maybe being a lazy fatass, just a mental retardation that cannot be classified because technically they are not mentally handicapped.  They receive no government aid and hold jobs and support families no problem.  Why then does it feel like I'm talking to a person who should've won last year's Darwin Award but somehow escaped with their life and are still out there causing the human species to get dumber and dumberer?  Rabble-B

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