Friday, October 29, 2010

I hate technology

So some dumbass Nepalese telecom company thought it would be a good idea to provide 3G cell service on Mount Everest.  What the fuck is wrong with you people?!  How could you travel all the way to Mount Everest, one of the most remote, wild and beautiful natural places on Earth and still give a shit about your email?  Sorry you're on a long, dangerous, really fucking expensive (it's costs something like $30K and over a month to climb Everest) and incredible journey climbing the tallest mountain in the world, leave the fucking cell phone at home you dick.  Cell coverage will now ruin any trip for a true mountain climber or anyone who appreciates places that lack buildings and cars.  Oh, what if you need to call for help?  Well, we already have two-way radios but dude, there's no 911 up there anyway, and you need to realize even on a good day Everest is life threatening place, no two ways about it.  I guess you could call your mom, but why don't you just be a man and recognize the fact that you might die and there might be nothing you can do about it and a cell phone isn't going to help.  So again, if you can't come to terms with your own mortality and the condition that you are not allowed to bring a cell phone and ruin the whole experience then DON'T GO!  Rabble-B

Friday, October 22, 2010

Seattle Restaurant Week

It's total bullshit.  Or, ok, maybe it's just that the restaurant JUNO decided for their special menu they would serve dishes that look great on paper and then are prepared and taste like shit.  I could've bought groceries for two weeks with the money I wasted in that shitty joint.  When the best part of your meal is the bread you have a problem.  Rabble-B

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

This has to be a joke.

Note to all domestic abusers:  FUCK OFF YOU PIECE OF SHIT SCUM!  If you want to beat on someone come try and beat on me, we'll see how well that goes for you.  Rabble-B

CBS News October 19, 2010 8:45 AM

Islamic Court: UAE Says Wife, Child Beating OK - Just Don't Leave Any Marks

UAE: Wife-Beating OK, Just Don't Leave Any Marks
ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates (CBS/AP) Apparently, it is perfectly OK for a man to beat his wife and young children, according to the UAE's highest judicial body, as long as the thrashing doesn't leave any physical marks.
The decision by the Federal Supreme Court shows the strong influence of Islamic law in the Emirates despite its international appeal in which foreign residents greatly outnumber the local population.
The court made the ruling earlier this month in the case of a man who beat his wife and adult daughter. The court stated that the man crossed the line suggested by Sharia Law because the daughter was not a minor and the wife sustained visible injuries.
The beating left the wife with injuries to her lip and teeth and the 23-year-old daughter suffered bruises on her knees and hand. In ruling against the defendant in that case, Chief Justice Falah as Hajeri stated that there were conditions when domestic violence was acceptable, according to the New York Daily News.
But Justice al Hajeri said the man "abused this right of discipline" and therefore was not "exempted from punishment."
Islamic law allows for "discipline" if no marks are left. It also says children who have reached "adulthood" - approximately puberty - cannot be struck.
The ruling was reported Monday in the Abu Dhabi-based newspaper The National.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

thank you and you're welcome

so kanye west wrote, or more likely had someone ghostwrite a book for him, about himself called thank you and you're welcome. dear kanye, you are a giant douche bag. maybe bigger than the douche who built the billion dollar house. rabble-b

Friday, October 15, 2010

Don't be an Asshole

This one definitely falls under the "don't be an asshole" heading.  So some absurdly rich douche bag in India just finished a house for himself that cost a cool $1 billion.  Ya, a fucking billion dollars!  Seriously, look it up on Google or Yahoo or whatever.  It's 27 stories and has  three helipads, because you know, one isn't enough.  I mean, I have like five helicopters myself, but that's just what I'm into.  I've got this one helicopter... Never mind.  So this fuckwad is so rich he spends a billion dollars on a house for himself and all his friends can party there and yeah!  It takes a staff of 600 to keep it running so I guess he's creating jobs and helping the economy.  But wait, "Hey dipshit, you live in India!  Most of it's a poor ass country, though I doubt you've noticed flying around in a helicopter.  How about you build a house for $100 million and use the rest of the money to clean up the Ganges River and the appalling lack of drinking water or maybe build some houses for a few million people living in the slums and while your at it save a couple hundred million for some food for them too.  Hey, the construction of all that housing and water purification facilities would create jobs too.  Wow!  What a novel concept.  I'm sure you already give away plenty of money to charitable causes for tax write offs and sure, I applaud you for that but for fucks sake man, why did you have to go and be an asshole and build a house for $1 billion?  It's just makes me think it had to be that big because the world's biggest douche bag lives in it.  Rabble-B

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Takes one to know one

The last paragraph contains the best analogy I've ever heard.  Chris Chase is a genius!  Yaaarrrrllll!  Rabble-B

Yahoo News

Sun Oct 10 11:16am PDT

Randy Moss told Tom Brady his haircut made him look like a girl

Before he was traded to the Minnesota Vikings, Randy Moss(notes) got into a catfight with Tom Brady(notes) about, all of things, his facial hair.
According to Charley Casserly of CBS, Brady and Moss had a verbal altercation before the trade and that the pair had to be separated. During the spat, Brady told his receiver to shave his beard. Moss responded that Brady should cut his hair, because he looks like a girl.

Gentlemen, gentleman; both your follicle-stylings look awful. Brady telling Moss that his hair looks bad is like Creed telling Nickleback that they're lame. Takes one to know one.
What do you think?

We can defeat the Earth

Wow, this makes the Pebble Mine look like an even better idea.  Lets go for it!  Oh, ya the 24.7 acre storage pool described in the article?  It's a mere puddle compared to what they want to build in Alaska, not to mention the chemicals for gold/silver/copper mining are far and away more toxic than alumina byproduct.  But you know they'll build a stronger, better dam at the Pebble Mine, it's cool...  Rabble-B

Also, if you need a refresher on the Pebble Mine go to:

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Single stuffed Oreos...

...are, maybe short of salt and vinegar chips, no not even that, single stuffed Oreos are the worst idea I can possibly think of.  Why the fuck would you buy single stuffed Oreos when double stuffed are available?  Rabble-B

Friday, October 1, 2010

The Porcelian God

Who the fuck ever thought of the padded toilet seat is an idiot!  Why would I want to sit down on the toilet to take a shit only to feel like I'm already sitting in my own shit?  Seriously, padded toilet seats are disgusting.  They're already warm and on top of that squishy.  When I sit down to take a dump I want to feel the opposite of sitting in my own shit.  Gross people.  And even better the vinyl covering is usually cracked and discolored.  It may even look like it's been pooped on recently.  I love getting up off a padded toilet seat after sitting on it for a while.  It feels like the vinyl rim loves my skin more than I do as it tries to rip my ass cheeks away from me.  Dammit man!  Fucking wrong, they should be outlawed.  Rabble-B