Friday, October 29, 2010

I hate technology

So some dumbass Nepalese telecom company thought it would be a good idea to provide 3G cell service on Mount Everest.  What the fuck is wrong with you people?!  How could you travel all the way to Mount Everest, one of the most remote, wild and beautiful natural places on Earth and still give a shit about your email?  Sorry you're on a long, dangerous, really fucking expensive (it's costs something like $30K and over a month to climb Everest) and incredible journey climbing the tallest mountain in the world, leave the fucking cell phone at home you dick.  Cell coverage will now ruin any trip for a true mountain climber or anyone who appreciates places that lack buildings and cars.  Oh, what if you need to call for help?  Well, we already have two-way radios but dude, there's no 911 up there anyway, and you need to realize even on a good day Everest is life threatening place, no two ways about it.  I guess you could call your mom, but why don't you just be a man and recognize the fact that you might die and there might be nothing you can do about it and a cell phone isn't going to help.  So again, if you can't come to terms with your own mortality and the condition that you are not allowed to bring a cell phone and ruin the whole experience then DON'T GO!  Rabble-B

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