Sunday, May 15, 2011

Short Shorts

So I've been in Belize for a while, far away from the cold and rain of my dreary home of Seattle.  Limited to no internet access meant no rabbling but now we're on.

Yesterday, in the Philip Goldston airport in Belize City (with all of its 6 gates for the entire country) I had to use the restroom.  A pretty normal thing I think, except post relief on my way from the urinal to the sink (about 10 feet) I noticed the old guy that sidled up to the next urinal over was wearing some short-ish athletic shorts.  Now that's really not a big issue since they're probably comfortable and flying sucks so most people, including myself, don't really give a shit what they look like as long as their comfy.  So, ok, cool, old dude rock the short shorts.  Except that this crazy old guy at the urinal had hiked up one leg of his shorts, exposing a wicked, blinding white tan line, and was peeing out the bottom of his shorts.  What?  For reals?  What is that dude?!  That is so fucking weird.  I have never seen that before...  That can't be easy to control your stream man.  And really, how hard is it to pull your shorts down from the top?  Let me answer; not hard!  Ok?  Just pull your damn shorts down a little bit and take care of business, don't slip your weiner down the leg of your shorts and pee all over your leg or whatever happens.  IT'S WEIRD! And you're creeping me out!  Thank God he was not seated next to me on the plane or I might still be in Belize City eating hot sauce, with no internet access to tell you this bizarre story.  Rabble-B


  1. Ok, seriously. Just shut up and write a book. You are too goddamn talented and you just need to publish yourself. The end.

  2. Well you are publishing yourself, but you know, like get paid to write. I would buy your blog posts if I wasn't broke. But instead I get to read them for free and laugh my ass off. So thanks. :)
