Friday, March 23, 2012

Leave the Hoodie at Home

You know I've tried not to write about the Trayvon Martin tragedy because it's extremely angering and upsetting and it's just too big.  I'd be here for days writing about American culture, racism, gun rights and how fucked up the state of Florida is. 

So instead, I'll write to Geraldo Rivera in regards to his dumbass comments in the video below.  Watch the video. 

Dear Geraldo,

You seriously can sleep at night after saying that a piece of clothing (the kid's hoodie) is as much to blame as the guy who shot him?  Wow, you are one seriously delusional moron.  That's the same stupid argument as saying bullet or gun manufacturers or God are to blame.  No one made Zimmerman pull the trigger.  He did it of his own, constitutionally guaranteed, free will.  And now he needs to face the consequences of murdering an unarmed teenager.  You talk about gangster attire and clothing that makes people cross to the other side of the street.  What about me?  I'm as white as they come, do I still get to wear a hoodie, or does it make me a suspect too?  I'm pretty sure no one would ever mistake me for a mugger or gangster.  You can't blame clothing Geraldo, you just can't, it's baseless.  You know who is partially to blame?  You.  Yeah, you, and all your fear-mongering friends in the media that portray inanimate objects as willful players in a crime.  You put fear and anger into the public's collective head and and we wonder why this kind of shit happens.  You're simply a moron and it is painfully obvious in one of your final comments in the video, saying not to wear a hoodie unless it's raining or at a track meet.  Well guess what, it was raining when Trayvon got killed you dumbfuck.  You should've been banned from television after drawing a map in the sand on air of US troop locations in Afghanistan.  Fuck you.  Rabble-B

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