Monday, November 5, 2012

General Rabbliness

Ok, it's been a couple weeks now and I've got all this rabblin', both good and bad, in my head. 

First, happy birthday to three dudes, Slice and Le Porters.  Dudes.

Second, the Giants won the World Series!  And, I've said before, I'm not really into baseball so much anymore, but the Giants were my team when I was a kid.  Will Clark, Kevin Mitchell, Willie Mays, the '89 quake series, doesn't get any better.  Yeah.  Well anyway, the victory parade route happened to run in front of my work downtown SF so I got to watch the whole thing.  Crazy!  Give SF any reason to throw a party and they will show up.  At 8:30am when I arrived (two and a half hours before the parade started) there were already teenagers running through the streets with bottles of liquor in one hand and blunts in the other.  Throw in all the drunk bros, tourists, legit Giants fans and crazy hobos and it was one insane party.  Oh yeah it was Halloween too...
This is pretty much what I saw.  Needless to say, a great time, and I got paid to be there.

I also got to vote in California for the first time.  Man, is it fucking work.  It makes you ponder if dictatorship is the way to go.  The thing that got me the most, other than the TWO public pool propositions on my ballot, is the "connect the arrow" bullshit.  This is my sample ballot where I can vote for Eleanor Roosevelt or Bruce Lee.
See, you're supposed to connect the arrow to make your choice.  Who the fuck thought this trash up?!  Not that it's difficult, though I'm sure some voters just gave up, but it's needlessly different.  Fill in the bubble.  Everyone has filled in a bubble.  We've all taken those stupid Scantron tests.  The one where every time you wanted to fill in the bubbles to look like a middle finger but never actually did, yeah that one.  So it would be really simple if every ballot just looked the damn same.  No more hanging chads or broken arrows.  No recounts no bullshit.  Oh, wait, haha, silly me, it's politics, it's all bullshit.  And for what it's worth even dead Bruce Lee would make a way radder president that either of the jokers that actually have a shot in any presidential election.  And no, I did not vote for Rosanne Barr...

In other great election buffonery, California has Proposition 35 to increase penalties and expand definitions of human and sex trafficking.  Seems like a no brainer right?  In voter pamphlet the argument against was written by the following:
Erotic Service Providers Legal,
Education, and Research Project, Inc.
Seriously, you couldn't make this shit up if you dropped acid and went to the planetarium. 

And, in case you were confused as to what month it is, we're now in either, Novembeard or Movember, your choice.  This year I'm rockin' the fu manchu and it's already starting to come in nicely after less than a week.  I'll post a photo about mid month to show you the halfway point.  I'm not trying to raise money, I mostly just like facial hair.  However, lots of men are and mens' health issues, including prostate cancer, are very serious and very back burner in our society so buck up men and go to the doctor.  Let him stick his thumb in your butt and push on your testicles, it's for your own good and your family too.  

Lastly, here's some fish I caught recently:
Me with double chin and very dead chinook caught on a clouser.

A fine Delta striper.

Rainbow from the Upper Sacramento

My first Roosterfish, East Cape, MX

Many rabbles and many unrabbles-B

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