Thursday, April 8, 2010

Show and Tell

Remember show and tell day in kindergarten?  That was always fun because you got to share something really special to you with your classmates (not that anyone else cared but the person actually showing their wares just bear with me).

Well, sometimes it sucked because they usually did it in alphabetical order and by the time they got to "W" no one gave a shit about your baseball bat you brought because maybe somebody up around like, "I" already showed a wiffle ball bat they played with in their backyard.  Even though you had a really rad wood bat to show that you got from Ken Griffey Jr. signed for you after he hit a walk off (game winning, for you non sports versed readers) homerun with it.  Your story and bat are way fucking cooler than the dumb kid with the wiffle ball bat but no one cared because they already saw a bat that day.  Your shit was old news and maybe they even thought you spied on him and copied him or some stupid shit.  You'd actually been waiting a really long time for show and tell day to bring out your kick ass bat but no one knew or cared by that point.

So hey, kid with the wiffle ball bat, kiss my lily white ass! Rabble-B

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