Friday, January 13, 2012

BARTworld, BARTworld, party time, excellent, didolodidolodidolo

Since I ride the BART now everyday I've decided to start a new recurring piece.  More recurring than the Quote of the Week which is not all that recurring as well as The High Flying Adventures of CAM-10 which doesn't work so well when your camera is sort of broken for a while.  Waterproof?  Sure.

Anyway, short of hanging out in Civic Center all day, riding the BART is the best way to see, hear and experience crazy shit at it's best.  It's really more entertaining than most anything else I can imagine, like the guy toting an enormous loaf of bread (not in a bag) and perusing the latest bread news on some bread website on his iPhone.

But that's JV shit.  Earlier this week I sat in front of a man (?) with a giant pile of papers and plastic and junk that he was rearranging or something.  Said man (?) was dressed in some super tight, odd garb and just jammin' out hard to something on his cassette walkman, which I should mention was rubberbanded to a box of candy.  As we neared his stop he decided to noisily bag up all his papers and junk and oh, yeah, his giant stick of cotton candy.  But he didn't have a taste for sweets that day because he lit a cigarette at that time.  Seriously, who smokes on a subway?  What the fuck?  Not to mention it's pretty illegal.  And then we stopped, he bounced off mumbling most of the way and vanished.  Ah, the crazy.  Rabble-B

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