Monday, November 22, 2010

Grande Ronde, Grand Camyon & trolls

CAM-10 has been travelling a fair bit lately.  his travels have taken him to a new state and two desert canyons.  Oh yeah, he visited a meteor crater and an ancient castle too, no big. 
Floating down the Grande Ronde deep in the canyon for 3 days, he had some mean BO by the end of the trip but we caught some fish and survived a monsoon.  This trip only prepared him for a bigger canyon a month later.

CAM strolled around the south rim of the Grand Canyon for a while last week.  He was pretty impressed.  This photo was snapped moments before he did a backflip off the rock into the canyon.  He is so buff you can't see the parachute on his back.  He landed safely at the bottom and then got really pissed off when he was told he had to hike his own ass back up to the top.

CAM was really excited to hit the 50,000 year old meteor crater.  Obviously, from the photo it met his expectations.  Except for the dumbass on the tour who asked what the meteor was made of and if it was heavy, only 15 minutes after the ranger said it was made of iron and told the group the carry on suitcase sized (and I'm talking about a real carry on bag, not the jumbo, overstuffed bags that people drag onto the plane and try to jam into the overhead) chunk in the museum was 1400lbs.  CAM thought that guy was a douche but he had fun and met some fellow travellers below...

CAM met a couple of troll/garden gnomes at the crater too.  They didn't say much but CAM was happy to meet other in animate travellers like himself that are subjected to being carried around in all manner of stuffy pockets and bags and have to travel in the cold ass luggage compartment instead of getting their own first class seat like they think they deserve.

Montezuma's Castle was cool.  He thought the Native Americans were pretty ingenious building a cool ass castle in a cave on the side of a cliff.  He wanted to go up inside but was physically removed from the premises by the rangers as he was climbing up the cliff.  He was charged with a misdemeanor and released to my custody. 

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