Tuesday, November 30, 2010

I hope he wasn't eating freedom fries...

So the head of the Washington State Potato Commision (They have one of those?  Seriously, no wonder this country is broke.  Get a real job man.  How many states have a potato commision?  Is there a federal version that oversees the states?  Shit.) decided to go on an all potato diet for 60 days to protest the vilification in food programs of the much maligned vegetable.  The results?  He dropped 21lbs and 67 cholesterol points.  Ya that's right, all on potatoes.  Mmmmm, mashed, Au Graten, twice baked, fried, baked with a little oil, salt, pepper and Tapatio mixture............................

Anyway, potatoes are rad and despite the fact this guy is head of some sort of state agency I've never even heard of...  Maybe it's actually a front for a shadow government and he flies around in a black helicop... ya, right.  Back on subject, potatoes are rad and it's 9:15am, I'm starving and the only thing I've had in the last 14 hours is a bowl of Lucky Charms.  Should've made it a bowl of potatoes I guess, coulda filled up and lost weight.  Rabble-B

Here is the full story

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