Monday, July 30, 2012

My City

So I recently read this amazing story about my unique and diverse city (well, the one I work in anyway) San Francisco.  It just proves there's nowhere else like SF.  It's a pretty special place.  Readit here:

Ok, did you read it?  Did you vomit? 

I ride BART most days and yeah, I've wondered why it seems like the escalators are only on about half the time.  And of course I get off/on at the 16th St. station in the Mission and it usually smells like piss and hot garbage for two blocks in every direction.  I've been through Civic Center plenty of times and it's always a treat too.  I've seen lots of shit on the street but never on an escalator. 

I mean, it's kind of beyond comprehension.  That's a lot of shit.  I can't help but get a revolting visual in my mind of bums standing in line at 3am waiting to take a giant dump at the bottom of the escalator and all that shit just oozing into the gears.  Or, at least some of it.  Some of it just sits right where it was squeezed out, waiting to greet the early commuters catching the first train at 5am.

I really do love SF and the whole Bay Area, it's truly an amazing place to live but this kind of story just makes me want to move out into the woods where there are no hobos, no escalators and the only unchecked dumping comes out of a deer.  Rabble-B

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