Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Sandals With Socks

I know I'm not the first to write about this but I live in Seattle and this is a common and irritating phenomenon.  Sandals and socks are two mutually exclusive articles of clothing.  The two were never meant to be worn together.  The person who invented socks probably lived in Siberia and said to themselves, "Yeah, this is a great way to keep my feet warmer inside my shoes or boots when the weather is cold.  Wow, I'm a genius!"  The person who invented sandals probably lived in Equatorial Africa and said to themselves, "Man, these things will be so great when it's hot outside and I need to walk around but don't want to wear shoes.  Wow, I'm a genius!"  Do you see the disconnect here?  Socks for cold weather, sandals for hot.  It's pretty simple really, so I have no idea why the fuck anyone would want to wear socks and sandals together.  "Yeah, I really like to restrict my feet in a pair of socks but love the feeling of freedom from wearing sandals."  What?  And even better, socks and sandals in the rain.  How do you justify that?  Have fun walking around with wet ass feet.  Hippie.  Rabble-B

1 comment:

  1. It's confused and lazy Northwest folk who look outside and see clouds and put on socks. Then 30 minutes later they see the sun come out, so to save time they just throw on the birkenstocks.
