Saturday, May 29, 2010

Why Memorial Day Weekend is Great or Garbage

Why Memorial Day Weekend is rad:
1- Acknowledging American troops that died in battle (yes, even in fucked up places and wars like Vietnam and Mogadishu.  They didn't choose to go there, blame the brass and politicians).  Also, no, Veteran's Day is cool too but Memorial Day is the day for those killed in war.
2- An extra, paid day off work for most people.  I don't get one but I can take any day off I want more or less so it evens out I suppose.

Why Memorial Day Weekend is garbage (in no particular order, except for the first one):
1- Stinky hippies
2- Traffic, traffic, traffic
3- RV's (see rabble from 04/30/10)
4- ATV's
5- Battling 20,000 people at Sasquatch, many of whom are stinky hippies.
6- Rednecks
7- Everything is closed
8- Folklife
9- Most rivers are closed or high with runoff
10- The weather usually sucks
11- Camping with lots of the above people around.

And the list goes on...  Rabble-B

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