Monday, January 31, 2011

Axel Hawk!

So it's been a while folks.  Sorry, one reason is my computer decided it didn't like me anymore so it just kind of quit doing what I wanted it to.  So first is a short list of things that make me rabble: computers, doctors, chiropractors, trash in the ocean, shitty bands, clouds in tropical places, Egypt's Mumbarak suppressing the will of the people for 30 years, not recycling glass, being the only person who eats meat out of seven at a table.  Sigh...

Whale Tails:  I'm not talking about the giant spoilers on '80's Porsches that totally kick ass, but a girl's (or guy's I suppose, if that's you're thing) thong wedged way up her ass sticking like a foot up over the top of her pants.  I don't care if you have a good body or not it is in no way attractive.  How can you be oblivious to your thong pulled up around your bellybutton?  It can't be comfortable, it looks like you're being attacked by your underwear.  Or is that how you like to wear it?  Is it empowering, or maybe a fashion statement?  I hope not because it's gross people.  Put that shit away.

Yes, I stole this picture from

What also pisses me off is extra airline fees.  Specifically the baggage fees.  I know the airlines are losing money (I also know this is going to turn into a run on sentence) and no one wants to pay what it costs to fly so the public would rather think they are getting a good deal on a ticket and then get nickel and dimed on the back end, but seriously, I'd so much rather pay $20 extra for my ticket then have to deal with all the retards that think they can cram a week's worth of clothes, gear and personal crap for a tropical vacation into a carry on the size of Texas and six other bags strapped to their person and then roll all their shit onto the plane and try to jam it all into the overhead and, "Did you really think that bag big enough I could actually climb into would actually fit into the overhead, you dumbshit?!", then the people who get on first fill up all the space so the people who board later, sitting in front, don't have room to put their giant fucking bags in the compartments over their own heads.  Then the flight attendant has to come over and explain to the morons trying to shove their bag into a full space (believe it or not physics dictates that two separate objects cannot occupy the same space, go figure right?) that they will have to put their bag somewhere else and as a byproduct get their huge, exposed, sunburned beer gut out of my face, while I do my best to close my eyes and remain calm and listen to music really loud on my iPod before I'm forced to turn it off and sit in the personal hell that is a sealed plane sitting on the tarmac for God knows how long prior to takeoff.  But the plane is delayed anyway because of all the aforementioned chaos and absurdity and the fact that the flight attendants can't prepare for departure on time and want to strangle 75% of the passengers on the plane before take off.  All for and extra $20...

What makes me unrabble is solar roadways.  Think about turning all of our roadways, or even just our highways into solar panels that we drive on.  We could cleanly power everything everywhere and the power grid would already be set up.  Roads go everywhere so the grid is already set up.  The problems that it would at least partially solve...  Foreign oil dependence, fossil fuel use, air pollution, water pollution, rising costs of asphalt, dammed and dying rivers, dangers of nuclear power, unemployment and many more.  "Yeah, but, we can't drive on glass. That's stupid."  Not glass like the windows in your house idiot.  Technology is the wave of the future, and with glass and solar is actually already here, and this enormous project could be realized but we just have to do it!  Watch this video, it's awesome Solar Roadways

Whew, ok, and IIIIIIII'm out.  Rabble/Ubrabble-B

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