Friday, January 7, 2011

Censor This!

New South Books has decided to publish a new edition of Mark Twain's The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn replacing every instance of the "n-word" with the word "slave".  The word "injun" is removed too.
There are several reasons this is a bullshit, fucked move by New South (by the way is "New South" just a different way to say "The South will rise again"?  Because it's a little suspect and that opens up a whole 'nother rabble). 

First of all this is the perfect reason why E-Readers are evil.  As soon as we eliminate paper books from our culture they can rewrite books anyway they want and no one will be the wiser.  This is the first step and shit rolls downhill.  We also shouldn't censor a work that the author hasn't approved.  This book has been around for over 100 years and if Mark Twain was a racist asshole that fact would've come to light by now. 

This book also portrays life and culture in the 19th century and if we exercise our sense of anachronism we can see that fact and learn from it.  Race was an important issue and very divisive in the 19th century.  Maybe if hyper-sensitive parents and schoolboards around the country were more interested in teaching students the truth (Christopher Columbus was not the first European to reach the Americas and he was not a nice guy, he killed and enslaved thousands of Native Americans, yes it's documented) instead of what they want kids to hear because it's more PC or more sanitary they might turn about a little better.  Well, guess what, life and people and culture can be ugly, it doesn't matter what time period you live(d) in.  Shielding ourselves or our children is just lying and retards our progress as humanity.  So, in other words, fuck you New South Books.  Rabble-B

Read up on it:

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