Monday, December 19, 2011

Metal Stroller Kitty

So my favorite thing about San Francisco, aside from Giordano Bros. where they put fries on your sandwich (and you have to forgive them because it's a Pittsburgh oriented joint, which isn't an issue except for the Steelers, the most vile football team in history captained by captain douche, Ben "rape isn't a big deal when you're rich" Rothelisberger.  But I digress...), is Metal Stroller Kitty.  It's a dude who's obviously crazy and homeless, pushing a stroller (okay...) with a boombox strapped to it blaring metal.  And not like Twisted Sister or something, "oh yeah, they're heavy metal and shit."  What?!  No like real metal, Cannibal Corpse style, or Mayhem or whatever legit metal band you like, all with a crazed kitty leashed to the stroller with a spike collar.  Most likely the kitty is perched on the edge of the stroller too, trying to figure out whose throat he wants to slice up next.  Yeah, that's Metal Stroller Kitty.  Check yourself!  Unrabble-B

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