Thursday, December 15, 2011

Taxman is not a Beatles song

So the national payroll tax cut is set to expire (or has what's euphemistically called a sunset clause) at the end of the year.  And, as you would suspect, congress doesn't have any immediate plans to address that.  Of course liberals want to tax the shit out of everybody, despite their claims of caring for the common man, and conservatives don't want anyone to pay taxes, especially rich folks.  Now that we're all in agreement I'll tell you I'm all for taxes, in moderation, when they're used for the benefit of society.  Economists however, have warned us against letting this tax cut expire at such a sensitive time in the middle of our slow recovery.  This affects middle class families, the backbone of America, and all the hyperbolic names and phrases that go along with the words "middle class".

Now, Obama has proposed, as a part of a bigger plan, to cut the payroll tax further than it's already cut from 4.2% to 3.1% otherwise it will jump back to 6.2%.  It's estimated that would put $180 billion into consumer pockets, to spend and support the economy.  I'll be the first to say that the Obama tenure is disappointing thus far.  I mean, yeah it's pretty rad he finally got Bin Laden (suck it Bush) but Guantanamo is still open, a severe lack of leadership for environmental protection, and pathetic, watered down (in fact I can't even taste the alcohol it in) healthcare and Wall Street reforms all point to a lackluster, albeit better than the alternative, presidency.  Oh, yeah, and the decade long Iraq war is officially over now...  Yeah, sure.  BUT, cheers to Obama for proposing a plan that supports and realizes the value of the middle class to the economy and the country.

Now, what's the problem?  Oh, wait, it's the whole point of this rabble, CONGRESS!  Both parties constantly talk about "middle class tax cuts", so lets see them prove that they're not completely full of shit for once and extend this tax cut and maybe even adopt the Obama plan.  It's not hard, they only work like six months a year for fuck's sake!  Well, lets be real though, all any of the five hundred some odd members of congress are thinking about is elections and how much money they can snag from lobbyists so lets not count on it.  Rabble-B

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