Friday, June 25, 2010

Don't be an Asshole,

and buy diamonds.  Yeah, that's right, I don't care how pretty they are, someone, or many someones probably died or got their arms chopped off or got raped or any number of other horrors for that sparkley, shiny little thing weighing down your ears or finger.  Despite the pledging of many major companies in the diamond trade, no one can guarantee your diamond is bloodless unless they dug it up and had it cut themselves.  And I'm pretty sure that shit ain't happening.  If this makes no sense to you then go onto the world wide web and do a little Google search.  Type in "Liberian Civil War" or "Sierra Leone War" (not coincidentally often rated the poorest country in the world by the UN) or maybe "Congo Civil War", even "Charles Taylor" and see what comes up.  It might make you feel bad.  War torn doesn't even begin to describe it. 

Of course there are a million things we buy and do that cause environmental and social suffering but diamonds are among the worst offenders.  Did you know in the 90's DeBeers controlled over 80% of the world diamond trade?  And they still control over 40%.  That's fucking insane!  Anyway, it's hard to avoid copper and plastics and shit made in China but no one needs a diamond for daily life.  So fuck it, don't be an asshole. 

Instead support the people trying to make a positive difference and the people trying to escape the violence and greed.  Check out:

Falling Whistles


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