Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Get Cut

So I heard about this a while ago but seems now it might go up for a vote.  The city of San Francisco is considering a ban on circumcision.  What?!  Seriously, you have nothing better to do with your time (like I don't know figure out how to fix massive budget shortfalls) than ban ancient religious practices that have no bearing on anyone other than that individual?  That's like banning gay, in the gayest city on earth no less.  It doesn't affect you so why do you care?  Leave men and their trimmed manhood alone.  "Oh, your circumcised?  That will definitely affect your ability to flip burgers.  Sorry, looks like In 'n Out isn't for you (literally you're always out, there's no in)." Circumcision has been around for several thousand years and it's worked fine so far.  Not circumcised?  Cool, you're lucky to have a turtleneck to keep warm, but if I want my kid to get cut I should have that right as a parent.  It is in no way harmful and actually makes it more difficult for infections to occur in your junk.  I'm not even sure what the reasoning is behind the measure, other than controlling people.  Fucking big brother, go away. Rabble-B

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