Friday, April 15, 2011

Things I Learned This Week

First of all, I was right about everything in my post on March 22nd.  If only I ran the show, if only...

Don't ever trust someone with dreadlocks to cut your hair.  It's impossible for someone with the most unfortunate hairstyle in history (bald is way better) to know what a good hair cut looks like, let alone actually cut hair.

Don't ever vote for anyone who makes a statement on the floor of congress like oh, say, that over 90% of what Planned Parenthood does is perform abortions when, in reality, it's about 3%.  The man who made that statement?  Rep. John Kyl from Arizona.  When asked about the gross inaccuracy of his claim his office said it was never intended to be a factual statement.  I continue to be blown away by the stupidity of our elected officials.

The federal government almost shutdown.  The last time that happened was during the Clinton Administration but he used it as a tool to balance the budget.  Of course ten years later it hasn't been balanced since but ppssshhhaaa, who can count to a trillion anyway?  The reason the government almost shutdown and our congressmen were bitching and moaning like a bunch of little girls with skinned knees (part of it was John Kyl mentioned above)?  .19% of the budget.  Yeah, seriously, .19 fucking percent of the budget, like 30 some billion dollars.  Bill Gates gives away that much in a week for fucks sake.  How about you guys argue over some real budget reform like half a trillion dollars, that would at least raise the stakes a little bit.  Geez....

We all know Donald Trump is a dumbass but he's talking about running for president and then makes a remark like, "I have a great relationship with the blacks."  Now, that's not a terribly racist or bigoted statement just dumb and arrogant.  If you're going to run for president you can't say things like that.  You're not a construction worker, you're running for president, how far can you stick your foot in your own mouth?  Or, you know, maybe he's not that dumb...  He's probably not even going to run for president, he's just playing us like a fiddle.  Sigh.  Rabble-B

Also, Axelina Hawkalina McFris is officially a girl now.  Wuhoo!  Yay!  Unrabble-B

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