Thursday, April 28, 2011

Things I was thinking about today...

Donald Trump...  I really don't know what to say, the guy is a living, breathing cartoon.  If you've been watching the news lately you'll know that he is the funniest comedian that's been around in a while, everything he says is pure comedy and he's totally insane.  Like Jon Stewart said, "I hope he runs for president."  Cross your fingers.

So Congress is finally getting around to passing a 9/11 first responders bill to help out all the brave folks that got cancer and other horrible afflictions from digging around for bodies in the World Trade Center rubble.  It's about fucking time you assholes.  But, of course it can't be that easy, or it just wouldn't be democracy in action.  Republican Rep. Cliff Stevens from Florida (yeah, of course he's from Florida, land of everything beyond belief), proposed a last minute rider to the bill that would require an FBI background check for all people receiving money from the bill to make sure they aren't a terrorist.  I mean, Donald Trump leaves me speechless but this isn't even funny.  How fucking classless and completely brain dead do you have to be to support something like that, let alone be the asshole that proposed it.  Seriously, do you think any single one of the rescue workers that responded to 9/11 could possibly be a terrorist?  Haha, jokes on them now they have cancer, that'll teach 'em to be terrorists.  Do you also think that magical unicorns shooting lasers out of their horns will fight off the coming alien invasion and then afterward to celebrate we can all strip down to bra and panties and ride around on our unicorn saviors throwing water balloons at each other?  Because that's about how stupid you sound Cliff.  I think you should be arrested for domestic terrorism and espionage and rot in Guantanamo for even bringing the subject up you unpatriotic, selfish, bellycrawling sphincter face.

And lastly, the US is considering giving arms to the Libyan rebels.  Ok, Obama, Congress and the military please take your seats for a history lesson, because you seem to have forgot some stuff.  No questions, no talking.

So remember when we gave weapons to Osama Bin Laden and the Taliban too, too fight the Soviets in the '80's?  Oh, haha, yeah, that turned out well.
Remember when we gave a bunch of guns to Saddam Hussein?  How did that one turn out for us?  Oh, umm, yeah, nevermind...
Remember when we armed the Contras in Nicaragua so they could fight the FSLN?  And then how Congress said that was illegal so we sold weapons to Iran and then sent the money to the Contras (Iran/Contra Scandal, you may have heard that term before)?  And then how the US government brought drugs into the country from Noriega in Panama and used the money to further fund the Contras?  No?  Oh, ok cool.
These are just three examples i thought of off the top of my head, I'm sure I could find countless more.

Pppssssssttt!  Hey, Obama, Pentagon, CIA, Joint Chiefs of Staff, Congress, I would recommend against supplying arms to the Libyan rebels.  You know, if it was me.  Just sayin'.  Rabble-B

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