Saturday, April 2, 2011

Stop ruining my life!

Dear hair stylists,

Please stop buying all the rooster hackle feathers in the world.  It's really pissing me off.  Those feathers are for tying flies, not decorating your scalp.  Get a tattoo, it's cooler.  Also, by the way you are being taken to the cleaners on pricing.  Saddle feathers don't cost $3 a piece.

Thank you for your consideration,

Brett Wedeking

Dear XXXXXXX fly tying vendor,

Please stop selling feathers to anyone with a checking account.  You've sold them all to the fashion industry and now fly tyers can't get any.  You are cutting off your nose to spite your face and that involves a lot of blood and pain.  Stop now before it's lying in a bloody mess on the floor and you can't smell anything anymore. 

Thank you for your consideration,

Brett Wedeking


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