Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Occupy the Tea Party

The “Occupy” protesters “are mad at the wrong people," says Cosgray. "We’re not mad at the bankers… The Tea Party is mad at our politicians, our government. They are the ones that changed our country. I’m not saying there’s not crony capitalism —there is. … The real problem here is coming right from the White House and our Congress.”
Occupy protesters are “bizarre, very strange,” to Cosgray.
“I think (the Occupy movement) makes the Tea Party look a lot better. We’re not playing drums, masturbating on the street, or defecating on cars. I don’t think there’s anybody (out on the street) who is for American the way it was founded. They are like from another planet or something.
“The next time (Americans) see Tea Party groups holding a rally I think they’ll be, like, ‘Phew! Finally some people with common sense.’"

This is a quote from a Tea Party-er from a nice, happy, white town in Indiana, or really anywhere between the Rockies and the East Coast.  It's just a disturbing example of the ideological and information, not to mention wealth, divide in our lovely country.  Here's what's wrong with your statement and position sir:

1. The Occupy people are mad at Wall Street and the government, just like you folks.  In plenty of cities, including Seattle and Oakland, protesters are camped out at city hall and other government buildings.  It's not just Wall Street banks and "the rich" it's the collusion between them and the government, conspiring for lack of regulation and accountability.
2. Where the hell are protesters shitting on cars and jerking off in the street?  I don't know, but I do know that bums did that everyday on the streets before and will after both the Tea Party and Occupy movements are gone.  I will concede that a small minority of folks in the movement are out to cause trouble, but you'll find in any large group of people, the Tea Party for example.
3. The Occupy folks are, "bizarre, very strange... ...from another planet.", no weirder than the picture I saw of you and your eight children standing in a corn field all wearing the same sweatshirt that exclaims, "White County Tea Party Patriot".  That shit is very strange.  Also, pretty sure most alien encounters happen in corn fields.
4. The part about how they are Unamerican (besides the terrible grammar), are you serious?  Peaceful protesting is one of the most American things you can do!  Echoing the sentiments of Jon Stewart, you Tea Party folks think you're real Americans and normal and good, and the Occupy crew are a bunch of freaks and Commies, but your group is named after the most famous act of criminal trespassing, property destruction and theft in American history.  What the shit man?!  Well, actually there was no United States at that point yet so the Boston Tea Party wasn't really all that American anyway so, yeah, whatever people...  Rabble-B

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