Tuesday, February 21, 2012

BARTworld BARTworld

Just got off the BART.  I love it when a crazy bum gets on the train wearing a full gray, stained sweatsuit and stinking to high heaven.  Reeking so bad in fact that literally everyone around him instantly moves away.  Of course the crazy bum starts talking shit (and by shit I mean unintelligible nonsense) and everyone moves even further away.  A couple ladies turn away and try to cover noses with scarves, a couple people get out of their seats and actually move to a different car.  Even bum Santa with food stains all over the front of his sweat shirt is horrified at the stench. 

Good thing the family hobo band walks into the same car at one stop whispering, "cops, cops, cops" as there's a foot patrol outside at the station.  The car is pretty crowded so family hobo band (father, clearly not wearing underwear, and two sons) can't properly get their jam on.  In the meantime crazy bum is still rambling, though quieter now, and emitting a nauseating odor.  What seems an eternity later, we hit the transfer station and as soon as the majority of the riders exit the car the family hobo band loudly strikes up "Blackbird", and not a terrible rendition I'd say.  Who could've predicted that crazy, stinky bum's Kryptonite, as Christine put it, would be a family hobo band jammin' some oldies?  Because as soon as the first chord of Blackbird was strummed he bolted for another car.  Poor riders didn't know what was coming.  Ah, BARTworld.  Rabble-B

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