Tuesday, February 14, 2012


As if I didn't hate PETA enough already, this video is just so fucked up on so many levels.  I don't even really know what to say. 

I mean, really, they're so desperate for membership now they're trying to appeal to some absurd form of masculinity and overcharged testosterone douchery while offending women everywhere.  You fucked her so hard she smashed her head into the wall and is stuck in a neck brace...  All because you're vegan... 

Ya because we all know chips and soy chicken nuggets (I've known plenty of vegan folks who seem to survive on these two items alone) will make you go all night long.  And besides BWVAKTBOOM is the lamest acronym I've ever heard of, not to mention seems to make light of domestic abuse. 

What the fuck ever...  Watch the video.  Rabble-B

1 comment:

  1. For the record: you do, in fact, live and are going to marry someone who eats vegan and doesn't survive or even consume soy chicken nuggets or chips.

    I hate the PETA ads as much as you do, but I think the offensive part isn't that they are promoting a strong vegan lifestyle - it's the angle directed at abuse of women.

    It's offensive shock value and nothing more, it won't cause any omnivores to look within and decide to go vegan.

