Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The First Rabble: The Internet

The internet and computers are a huge waste of time.  Life is too short to waste updating your Facespace profile or punching away on Twitter about how you're eating rocky road ice cream right now.  Who gives a shit?  If I want to know something about you or I have a question I'll call you.  If I don't have your phone number then I don't need to keep in touch on a computer.  Sorry, it's just not that important.  Email has it's place I suppose, it's very difficult to avoid email today, but even that's old hat now.

I'd rather go outside than turn on my computer and have thus far been successful in avoiding participation in the internet beyond email.  Unfortunately I get so rabbley about so many things I need an outlet to compile them so here it is.  The very thing that I despise has become my refuge for rabbling.  Sigh.  Rabble-B

PS-If this actually posts without any issues I will be shocked since computers never seem to work when you're doing anything important, or anything at all for that matter.

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