Thursday, March 25, 2010

Happy Birthday

(No, Jens this is not about you even if today is your birthday you old fucker) I think everyone should get their own personal, paid holiday on their birthday.  The federal or state government pays you your typical daily wage and you take the day off and do whatever you want because it's your birthday.  Better they give you money for your birthday then waste it on MLB steroid hearings (yeah, fuck you congress for wasting my money on that shit).  And besides it's already your money anyway.

Unless you're like an amateur day trader or some other bogus "job" and you roll out of bed at noon, put on your bathrobe, take a toke, get a cup of coffee and sit down to click your mouse a little bit on the computer before you take a nap at 2pm.  Fuck you then.  And dirty hippies with no job, you don't get shit.  Not people who have two kids and a mortgage and lost their jobs but stupid hippies.  How about this?  If you take a shower by 10am everyday then you're eligible, that eliminates hippies and day trader assholes.  I suppose if you have a late restaurant shift or something then you're exempt from the shower stipulation but the rest of you...  So if you qualify then happy birthday!  Do something fun!  Rabble-B

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