Friday, March 26, 2010

Scalpers Fuck Off!

If you're a scalper then you too can fuck off.  You're a leech and an asshole on the level of a mining industry lobbyist trying to pitch the Pebble Mine to native Alaskans as beneficial to their community.  Click here if that didn't make sense so you can be appalled at something new.  You're probably a pedophile too and buy a shitload of tickets to a Miley Cyrus show or fuckin' Jonas Brothers or a summer festival so you can sell them off at 4 times face value (which is usually already a fucking rip off) and get to meet up with a young girl and say inappropriate things to her you creepster.  There's a reason it's illegal in most cities, because it's fucked up and unfair to fans.  You are the reason the tickets sold out in a day and people who want to go to see their favorite band can't unless they want to pay you an outrageous sum you didn't spend an ounce of sweat earning.  If anyone should make money from a ticket it should be the band, not a scumbag like you.  So eat a dick scalper man (or stupid, smelly hippie chick selling extra tickets to pay her drug dealer) go get a real job and earn money like the rest of us.  Rabble-B

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