Friday, March 19, 2010

The Key Word in Walkman... WALK!  Ok so maybe no one listens to tapes anymore but that doesn't give you the right to listen to your iPod, or whatever mp3 player thing you have, while driving.  When did this become an ok thing to do and why do I see so many people on the road with little, white earbuds stuffed in their heads jammin' out to Jack Johnson or some other shit, hippie jam band, garbage? 

If it's an ear piece for a cellphone that's another story (and I applaud you for your consideration) but it's not, it's people with fucking headphones on behind the wheel.  How is this safe?  It wasn't five years ago.  Stop endangering my life asshole and pull those fucking things out of your ears so you can hear me honking at you after you merged into me with no turn signal or bothering to look around!  Rabble-B

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