Monday, March 22, 2010


Fuck antiperspirant.  Aluminum is not good for you and it's especially not good for you to rub it into your body.  The active ingredient in most antiperspirants is Aluminum Chloride, Aluminum Zirconium or Aluminum Chlorohydrate.  Notice the theme?  ALUMINUM!  Aluminum is considered a neurotoxin and can cause DNA damage (I know, right? Fuck that shit!) and negatively affect the blood-brain barrier and I sure as shit don't want a brain infection thank you.  More controversially, high levels of aluminum have been found in the brains of Alzheimers sufferers and some scientific studies have found links between aluminum in the body and breast cancer.  Of course these days everything causes cancer that's still pretty fucked up. Though the alcohol in a can of Rainier or whatever will probably do you more harm than the can itself, I'm pretty sure wiping aluminum into your skin every day is not a good idea.  So fuck aluminum and fuck antipersirants.  Sweat a little.  It's not going to hurt you.  Rabble-B

PS- Deodorant and antipersiprant are not one in the same.  Everyone should wear deodorant.  It does not contain aluminum and if you're a pussy and you want to get some natural Tom's of Maine stuff then fine but everyone should wear deodorant because you stink (and me too) and only dirty, scummy, hippies forego deodorant because they have no concept of hygiene because they are gross.  Go take a shower hippie!

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